Hashtag blessed profiles omit the real family time. You won’t see the strife over agreeing on a program everyone can watch. Leaving the house at the same time. Finding common ground in the distribution of household chores. Though agreement can be found in two areas: pizza and the family dog (more on the family dog for another story). How can you serve pizza regularly without it being pulled from a cardboard box? We spent a month creating different versions that are simple, delicious, even healthy and all-natural to promote a happy home.
20 Need-It-Now Gifts for the Tea Drinker
Considering allergic pollens and all things British are currently in the air we find cause to drink–tea that is. From ceremonial to health, tea’s benefits have been touted for millennia. Foster the lifestyle by becoming acquainted with the variety of ways it can be enjoyed.
Forget Tumble Jungle – Throw a Vintage Birthday Party
Once in the not so distant past all you needed to get a party going was a cake, clown and group of energetic kids. Now hosting a splashy birthday has fallen into the annals of team tryouts and college acceptance letters in the game of parental oneupmanship. As a possible safeguard against future teenage pressures, we find keeping it simple with a classic twist to be a successful model.
Say No to Sneezes: Make an Allergy Calming Tea
Forget the hot nanny, allergies kill the passion in a relationship. Sneezes that should come with an advisory warning, a dependency on Kleenex, teary eyes, coughing up questionable particles resembling the slime my son makes—it all places a moratorium on anything fun. So how to remedy your clogged head and enjoy the fundamentals of living once again? Take a natural approach and make an allergy calming tea.
How to Unplug on Summer Weekends
Put the mobile device down. Sounds similar to a counter terrorist expert trying to diffuse a madman and, in many respects, we have become a bit psychotic when it comes to our electronics. Take a moment, or days, to unplug for fear of an Orwellian outcome. How to break from our devices on summer weekends? Circle back to holidays spent pre emoticons and wind chime ringtones, where the simplest activities are the most rewarding.
Gain Weight Naturally for Kids – Yes, Gain!
You have to love the contractions of children–some kids actually need to gain weight, find meal time an annoyance that takes them away from their activities, and are oblivious to the diet/calorie counting world of grownups. Though healthy eating to gain weight naturally can be a challenge when you serve a nutritious meal and receive looks like they are about to eat a plate of dancing beetles. Eliza Savage, RD at Middleberg Nutrition navigates a healthy eating approach for young eaters.
“Keeping kids on a healthy nutritional track can be challenging, whether you have a tantrum-prone toddler, picky preschooler or finicky grade school age child,” says Savage. “I recommend including children in food choices from the beginning, involving them in shopping and cooking (when appropriate), and exposing them to as many foods as possible.”
10 Tips for Inspired Table Settings
For those who cannot refuse a like when steadying their swipe on inspired table settings prepare to ogle. It begins with the dining table, which sets the foundation for tablescape spectaculars. The table itself may be non-descript but you know it has blooming potential despite its unadorned appearance, like models without their makeup. This quotidian household staple is transformed with a fashionable assembly of dishware, linens, food and flowers to create dining room drama guests will make noise over.
1. Take Inventory
When selecting a dining room table make sure it has legs, literally. Such an addition will carry you through years of dining and entertaining so a simple style with a color and texture you can grow with is ideal. Keep your dishes and serving pieces organized so you can easily call upon them for an occasion. Assemble by color and needs, such as everyday items in easy-to-reach places while more formal pieces are carefully stowed.
2. Choose a Theme
Whether it’s a garden party or Marie Antoinette’s Versaille, settle on a theme. Bring in those items to support the setting, such as color and pattern, with a menu and adornments that relate to the composition.
3. Mix and Match
Simple Kitchen Makeover
Typically you design a space and then add art. In our home the art takes precedence. (Though being an artist does factor into such favoritism). In this simple kitchen makeover a seamless flow is essential as it is the gateway to the dining and living areas, which is abundant with paintings, along with a white scheme to foster natural light and allow the works to have their ideal presentation.
Saint Patrick’s Day Sausages and Peppers
There is a reason why corned beef and cabbage is only popular on Saint Patrick’s day, food resembling plastic menu items so popular in Chinese storefront windows is wearisome. Since we have a knack for tweaking traditions so they are more you-based than conventional, serve sausages and peppers, a meal that is simple to prepare, a universal favorite, and celebrates the holiday from its festive insertion of Irish orange and green (orange and green peppers to be specific).
Our Home Featured in Design Mom!
Recently our home was featured in Design Mom, a clever, supremely popular site that promotes the “interaction of design & motherhood.” What I find most captivating about the house tours is how they are more than an assembly of pretty images but unearth the true essence of the dweller, doors are open and accessible to all who scroll by. Visitors can virtually linger on the sofa and connect with the family, discovering their relation to the environs. Practical how-to tidbits transgress into such genuine discussions as raising a family in a technologically amped society and monitoring old school beliefs in a modern home.