
Our House

Two winters ago I dropped Luc off at preschool, which resulted in another mom saying that the house across the street from her was for sale. While I rather assist on building a dam than moving, there is nothing more enticing as a new home and project. (In the past 6 years this would be my fourth move and I am not in the military). Our town has transformed into that commuter young family brand of suburbia where square footage and sub zero fridges trump charm. Though I will choose old bannisters, slatted closet doors and shingle siding over a game room any day.

That mom-to-mom interaction progressed into an almost year long courtship with the owners whose home we moved into last summer.


Our family house, which will be experiencing subtle transformations.

Sometimes you just know, like when Luc was meant to be a surprise but I knew I would be having a boy. This is the house we wanted and made it happen. We have been making “slight” alterations, which will be documented, but not enough to move into the nearby Avalon that hosts divorcees and families renovating their residences. Our intention is to stay true to the essence of this 1914 Colonial, which reminds me of the clapboards I’ve always been drawn to in the Hamptons. In a few weeks, contractor availability and rain date depending, we will tackle the exterior. And, for the Where’s Waldo lovers, please note Ellie our dog who always maneuvers her way into a photo op.


Drop Shed Gorgeous

Our shed in the backyard with squatting gophers conflicts me. Shingles are falling off. The roof is in disrepair. Inside the stench of gasoline is so thick–light a match and it may very well blow up. The shed goads me. This is a designer project in the making. Then I run inside. Though the possibilities do excite–a backyard getaway, writer’s studio or simply a timeout place like my son’s teepee.


Modern Shed’s medium size space is the most popular version. Photograph courtesy of Modern Shed.

With some light goggling I discover Modern Shed, a company that designs ecological friendly and spectacular looking structures. The clever husband and wife team based in Seattle had the idea to have one place to service what their vintage 1940s home lacked. As with all innovative ideas, a need was met and company was born. Thus the inspiration process begins.


Take It Inside

For weeks I have been cleaning out yogurt jars and reintroducing my home with vintage vessels, all for showcasing the caprice of spring’s blooms. While the yard is at its most animated from the cherry blossom that stands guard before an old shed housing a family of gophers beneath, more on that later, you can’t keep all that glory for squatter animals.




A Tad Awkward

A new home mentality is if it’s awkward gut it. That’s like saying if you have a weird toe cosmetically enhance it. A little back history, I grew up in a 1920s Normandy where we were only allotted a 10-minute shower for fear the pipes would burst and used the laundry chute to terrorize the dog. I attended a university where crumbly buildings added to campus authenticity. The idea of living in a home peeled from vinyl strips with a laminate and glue scent never appealed to me.


In every home I’ve lived in there have been the proverbial weird toes: slatted roofs, floors you could roll a marble on and mismatched wood. Rooms contoured to the shape of the home also must be dealt with. If it doesn’t quite fit embrace it.  Nestle beds together, install book shelves or create a special nook.


An attention to colors and accents also build the style. In the girl’s room an orange and pink scheme is captured by Kate Spade bedding. Sweet handprinted pillows by Art Goodies connect the theme.


Back to themes stripes, vintage and nautical compose the setting. Lighting and sailing flags bring to mind a ship’s cabin. The crayon colors of blue, red and yellow keep it from looking too yachting club stiff. The layers of bedding and duvet covers are both practical and show that you can mismatch patterns when they share a color or theme. You can never have enough stripes, which work perfectly with toys your father played with.

LR toys

Storage is also thoughtfully considered with pieces that are both functional and attractive, such as a bedside table that stows away books, toy box of the NYC subway system that will move through the ages, canvas storage bin and rolling cart that is ideally used for function over a high speed chase with the dog.

Luc Room Storage



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