Your Aunt Polly is coming over for the holidays and you lost your Tiffany’s Table Manners on the last move. Trying to remember where to put all the forks and glasses is like rejigging your mind to those ratios in pre-trig. No fear, just make bunny ears with your hands, it works.
The rules:
Place both hands aside the plate. Your left hand forms a lowercase b, which points to the bread plate. The d is made with your right hand, which points to the drinks glasses.
For the rest of the table setting, always have your forks on the left and work in–salad to the main course. The spoon and knife are on the right side. (The knife points to the drink glass). If you are having soup, place the soup spoon above the plate.
Linens are recommended in a formal table setting. I like to use ornamental placemats to add flair. The napkin can be placed on the plates or beneath the forks.
Enjoy your meal, Aunt Polly is sure to be impressed!
Heirloom gold metallic napkin: Juliska
Gold dahlia place mat: Chilewhich