
Finding Happiness in Changing Times: It’s the 2020 Way

So 2020 didn’t pan out the way you thought when blowing on those Covid-free noisemakers back in the jubilance of New Year’s Eve 2019. I have some news for you, not only will it get better, you will be better as a result. I’m going to lean on some “Studies Show” info here: Historically, when faced with adversity, it’s character building. Who knew that on the decade’s eve of Benedict Carey’s The New York Time’s article, “On Road to Recovery, Past Adversity Provides a Map” would be relevant in today’s climate. Siting various studies and experts, says Carey: “In short, the findings suggest that mental toughness is something like the physical strength: It cannot develop without exercise, and it breaks down when overworked. Some people in the study reported having had more than a dozen stressful events, and it showed.”

“These people were truly suffering,” Dr. Cohen Silver said in the story, “and we do not minimize in any way the pain of such events when you’re going through them. But it does appear that if you’ve had several such experiences but not too many, you learn something.”

The Bible is always a handy guide in times of stress, with Psalm 46:1-2 stating that “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not fear, even if earthquakes come and mountains crumble to the sea.”

There may even be a Kayne West song that echoes such thoughts but I’ll stop my adversity character building search with the Psalms. How can we find bright moments from our character-building experiences? Take the bright side approach and find inspiration in the happiest people your know. Most likely they find positives in the most grim scenarios.

How To Find Happiness in Uncertain Times:
  1. Movies: Take a break from the media, which can contribute to anxious feelings. Thank you Netflix! When feeling a bit triggered, choose a movie with a happy ending.
  2. Avoid Toxicity: Negative friends, unhealthy food and sleeping late should be omitted.
  3. Fitness: Live as healthfully as able and incorporate a daily fitness regimen that offers lifelong benefits.
  4. Novelty Weeks: Peg each day to an event, such as Movie Monday, Treat Tuesday, Wellness Wednesday… Get where we are going here? Theming each day of the week creates an anticipatory excitement that pulls on the same happy feelings that come with Christmas or an upcoming vacation.
  5. Envision the Future You Want: Visualizing what you want motivates you to achieve goals.
  6. Eat Well: From marketing to family dinners, place an emphasis on the meals you eat. Focus on healthy, nutritious dishes that create a sense of well-being from their taste and energy-boosting replenishment. Search the web for nutritional recipes or share with friends.
  7. You Time: Carve out time just for yourself. Make it a daily ritual, whether it be your 11:00 a.m. tea or endorphin-boosting afternoon walk.
  8. Tomorrow Is a New Day: Look to the coming months as an opportunity for redemption.

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