While no studies have been performed, speculative evidence suggests that there has been a dramatic increase in homebodies. Imposed time at home to practice social distancing, thereby saving lives and staying healthy, would be a fairly strong indicator of the spike. Now that the general population is versed in habitual domestic life, the typical tendencies of a homebody have shifted. Binge watching addictive television with nutritionally-challenged snacks, the most energy exerted from twisting legs Indian style, is so pre-March. To keep the mind and body engaged, maintain regular breaks from social media, snack healthfully and avoid watching manufactured acting on reality shows. What is recommended is enlightening activities that is both mentally stimulating and enjoyable, enough to rival your BC life. (BC: Before COVID).
The New Homebody: Healthy Outlooks and Activities to Practice
Broaden Your Tastes:
We used to eat ice cream but now it’s mochi. Original hummus is a runner up to dill pickle and snicker doodle flavors. Plan every meal as an event. Be adventurous with unknown tastes, you’ll find that the discovery of a new food can rank as a game changer.
Be Nice:
It may be political season and the mood to take jabs is commonplace. It’s okay to take a break from the current political maelstrom and simply focus on the issues that keep your household tension-free.
Be Healthy:
Stick to a routine: Wake up early, have a healthy breakfast, exercise and limit computer time for essential interaction. Keeping to a productive schedule will maintain confidence and well-being.
Discover New Things:
The highlights of my week were listening to an alternative college radio station, introducing me to Future Islands new song “Thrill”, which has led to more songs on my playlist. I’ve also experimented with a mix of essential oils in my diffuser, notably grapefruit and French lavender have a heady mix that enhances the home’s mood.
Allot any free time to devote to the craft of your choice. Allowing yourself to give into a creative calling softens a mood.
Not just for the Birkenstock set, simplify the meditation process by blocking out a time solely for you. Keep the lights low, create an ambient mood, and focus on long and steady breaths. Remove any controversial elements from the environment and steady thoughts on what makes you happy with achievable goals.
Regardless if you can’t grow a fully developed sapling to produce a tomato, gardening is about the connection to the outdoors, rigorous movement, and nurturing nature’s offerings. The rewards are a constant surprise and your garden will become an added retreat to your home.
Rank reading as your primary form of entertainment. Prose is the year’s healthiest response to an over-dependency of digital time.
Lavender essential oils: Nature’s Truth
Art: ducks goose