There are designer homes that follow a Starbuck’s model, despite the different location they all look the same. A formula consisting of high gloss furnishings, gilded bar cart, area rug and textiles in a trending pattern like Greek key or Moroccan trellis. Spaces that appear to be replicated and itemized from the very design books perched on their Lucite coffee table. There are touches that cannot be experienced via print or digital like techno music and scented candles, which must cost more than $75 for fear of smelling like a Walmart variety. To slip away from the prescribed trappings of a designer cliche, where guests will remark whether Poppy, Lilly or some other floral inspired name fluff their pillows, unique pieces and treating your home artistically will distinguish the look.

Merging artistic elements in a home’s design secures originality.
Living in an art inclined home you can swop out paintings the way some people change hair accessories. Paintings, works or art and furnishings assembled from an inherent love over what’s trending creates a kaleidoscope of pieces in home’s accustomed to a perpetual rotation. It’s a process where you mine what you’ve accumulated, edit, acquire and resume the cycle.

A vanity area is given an abstract boost when juxtaposed against original art.