
Bee Aware – Shop the Bumblebee Look

Napoleon anointed the bee icon as a symbol of power. Winnie the Pooh * perpetually warded off bees in his quest for a honey fix. Bees are a timeless motif. While they are as complex as a femme fatal, they are an essential part of the food chain. Who doesn’t love warm toast smeared with the golden nectar?

Keep the bee in flight.

Sadly bees have been put on the endangered list for the first time. Certain pesticides and diminishing natural food sources are some offenders, making awareness increasingly important. Beekeeper Andrew Coté of Andrew’s Honey not only operates a family honey business but founded Bees Without Borders, where he roams the world to educate poverty stricken communities on the trade. Increase the buzz by adding bee beauty to the everyday.

  1. Bee print 2. Honey tin 3. Stationery 4.  5. Sealing stamp 6. Ring 7. Wine charmers 8. Honey 9. Tea towel 10. Tattoos 11. Wallpaper 12. Door knocker 13. Cushion cover 14. Carafe set

* For more information on supporting the honey bee and to download the ‘bee-friendly’ guide inspired by Winnie-the-Pooh and friends visit www.friendsofthehoneybee.com

Other ways to help the honey bee:

1. Plant a window box

2. Buy local honey

3. Build a bee habitat


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